Rossini’s “The Barber of Seville” unfolds in a flurry of mischievous plots and delightful confusion, centered around the cunning Figaro, the lovestruck Count Almaviva, and the witty Rosina, who outmaneuvers her guardian, Doctor Bartolo, to pursue true love. The ENO’s production, led by African American conductor, Roderick Cox, a winner of the prestigious 2018 Sir Georg Solti Conducting Award, showcases a remarkable fusion of musical excellence and theatrical innovation. Sir Jonathan Miller’s direction, revived by Peter Relton, breathes life into this classic opera, making it as engaging and relevant today as it was decades ago.
In a season that has seen the ENO explore both new territories and classic favourites, this revival of “The Barber of Seville” is a resounding success, a blend of superb musicality, captivating performances, and thoughtful direction. It is a production that respects its source material while offering something new and vibrant, a testament to the enduring power of Rossini’s work and Miller’s vision.
Cast & Creatives
- ENO @ London Coliseum,
- Showing - 27 Feb to 29 Feb 2024
- Composer - Gioachino Rossini
- Director - Sir Jonathan Miller
- Conductor - Roderick Cox (ENO Debut)
- Photograpgy - Clive Barda
- Cast:
- Charles Rice: Figaro - Anna Devin: Rosina - Ava Dodd: Rosina, 27 February 1pm - Innocent Masuku: Count Almaviva (exc 27 February 1pm) - Theodore Browne: Count Almaviva (27 February 1pm) - Simon Bailey: Doctor Bartolo - Alastair Miles: Don Basilio - Lesley Garrett: Berta - Patrick Alexander Keefe: Fiorello/Figaro (Figaro: 27 February, 1pm) - Patrick Dow: Fiorello
ENO's production is a celebration of talent, diversity, and the timeless art of opera
A must-see for opera enthusiasts and newcomers alike, this “Barber of Seville” is a reminder of the joy, complexity, and enduring appeal of live theatre. The ENO’s production is a celebration of talent, diversity, and the timeless art of opera, making it a highlight of this season’s offerings.
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