The play, Bombers Moon, tells the dual stories of former RAF gunner Jimmy, now residing in a care home, and his troubled care assistant David. Jimmy is played by the enigmatic, James Bolam, whilst his assistant David is played by Steve John Shepherd, who some of you will know from his East Enders character ‘Michael Moon’.
Jimmy, whilst fighting his old age, also deals with his demons, and we are given his background through a series of flashbacks to his time during the war. David who has a troubled past dealt with it by way of finding faith, however, his new friend Jimmy brings his faith to its limits.
The play was hilarious throughout, but brings with it a serious, compelling and even touching back-story that softens your heart even towards Jimmy’s almost Alf Garnett like character.
The play takes place at Park Theatre, behind Finsbury Park Station. Its a fairly new venue, which opened in May 2013 to rave reviews from the critics. The venue gives the audience the feeling that they’re right up next to the performers, and you feel like you’re participating right there with them as the drama unfolds.
Powerful Drama
I highly recommend this play and the venue was perfect for it.
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